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Ibaraki city kawabata yasunari literature museum

Kawabata yasunari is known as the first japanese author to win the nobel prize in literature. kawabata spent his childhood in ibaraki city until he graduated from a junior high school under the old system. his life is introduced through an exhibition of about 400 items, including his books, belongings, and manuscripts. there are also various thematic exhibitions, and a special exhibition is held every year in june, which is kawabata's birth month. there are also paid courses available to familiarize visitors with kawabata's literature and modern literature.

Facility photos

展示室Exhibition room
祖父母と暮らした屋敷の模型A model of the house where my grandparents lived
書斎再現コーナーStudy reproduction corner
外観写真Exterior photo

Facilities, services, etc.

  • Walk-in participation
  • Advance booking
  • Wifi
  • Electronic money
  • Barcode payment
  • Credit card payment

Basic information

Business hours 9:00~17:00
Address 2-11-25 kaminakajo, ibaraki city, osaka prefecture
TEL 072-625-5978
Access 16 minutes walk from ibarakishi station on the hankyu line
Closed Tuesdays (open on national holidays, closed the following day), december 28th to january 4th, and other temporary closures for changing exhibits and organizing materials

※Some links may only be in Japanese.

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