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Nishikawahara public pool

This public pool is operated by ibaraki city. it is fully equipped with various facilities, including a 25m heated indoor pool with 7 lanes, a relaxation pool, and a training room. there is also a highly entertaining outdoor pool (summer only) with a full-scale water slide over 100m long and a flowing water pool. swimming lessons and yoga classes for different age groups are also held, making it popular with a wide range of generations, regardless of age or gender.

Facility photos

25mプール25m pool
リラクゼーションプールRelaxation pool
ウォータースライダー&リバーライドWater slides & river rides
幼児用滑り台&幼児用プールChildren's slide and children's pool

Facilities, services, etc.

  • Walk-in participation
  • Advance booking
  • Wifi
  • Electronic money
  • Barcode payment
  • Credit card payment

Basic information

Business hours 9:45-20:30 (entry until 19:00) *varies depending on the season.
Address 3-2-38 nishikawahara, ibaraki city, osaka prefecture
TEL 072-621-9715
Access 24 minutes walk from sojiji station on the hankyu line / 5 minutes walk from higashi-ota 1-chome bus stop on the kintetsu bus from ibarakishi station on the hankyu line
Closed Tuesday

※Some links may only be in Japanese.

Related information for Osaka Ibaraki City