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Henri charpentier takarazuka hankyu 2f

This western-style pastry shop started as a coffee shop in ashiya and now has branches all over japan and overseas. their baked goods, which make great gifts, are popular, including fragrant financiers made with original pre-fermented butter from hokkaido, madeleines with the scent of rum and lemon, and light and crispy langue de chat. they also sell classic shortcakes, oven-fresh cheesecakes, and whole cakes. please come and treat yourself or visit us on an anniversary.

Facility photos

内観写真Interior photo
プティ・タ・プティPetite ta petite
ガトー・キュイ・アソートGateau cui assortment
ザ・ショートケーキThe shortcake

Facilities, services, etc.

  • Eat-in
  • Children's menu
  • Electronic money
  • Barcode payment
  • Credit card payment

Basic information

Business hours 10:00-20:00 (19:00 on sundays)
Address 2-1-1 sakaemachi, takarazuka city, hyogo prefecture takarazuka hankyu 2f
TEL 0797-81-8040
Access Short walk from takarazuka station on the hankyu line
Closed According to the facility

※Some links may only be in Japanese.

External site

Related information for Hyogo Takarazuka City