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Minoh park insectarium

This insect museum is located in minoh forest, once known as one of the "three greatest insect habitats in japan." it displays and explains a variety of specimens and living organisms, from familiar insects that live in the area to rare insects from overseas that you've never seen before. in addition, in the butterfly garden, you can enjoy watching a variety of species flying around along with plants of all seasons. insect-related events are held throughout the year, making it a great subject for children's independent research projects.

Facility photos

外観写真Exterior photo
展示室Exhibition room
キッズルームKids room
放蝶園Butterfly garden

Facilities, services, etc.

  • Walk-in participation
  • Advance booking
  • Wifi
  • Electronic money
  • Barcode payment
  • Credit card payment

Basic information

Business hours 10:00-17:00 (entrance reception closes at 16:30)
Address 1-18 minoh park, minoh city, osaka prefecture
TEL 072-721-3014
Access 15 minutes walk from hankyu minoo station
Closed Tuesdays (open on national holidays, closed the following weekday), december 29th to january 3rd

※Some links may only be in Japanese.

External site

Related information for Osaka Minoh City