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Confectionery shop angetsudo

This is a long-established japanese sweets store founded in 1868 (keio 4). they sell handmade sweets that match the season while preserving the traditional manufacturing methods that have been passed down through the generations. one of their signature products is the "mushi kuri yokan" (steamed chestnut yokan), which is filled with chestnuts that have been carefully hand-peeled and soaked in honey. the combination of homemade bean paste simmered in granulated sugar and candied chestnuts creates a refreshing taste without a lingering sweetness. the cafe inside the store also offers a japanese menu, including a japanese sweets set and anmitsu.

Facility photos

内観写真Interior photo
内観写真Interior photo
外観写真Exterior photo
栗蒸し羊羮Steamed chestnut yokan
庵月最中Ioritsuki monaka
メニュー一例Menu example

Facilities, services, etc.

  • Eat-in
  • Children's menu
  • Electronic money
  • Barcode payment
  • Credit card payment

Basic information

Business hours 10:00-20:00 (until 18:00 on holidays)
Address Osaka prefecture, osaka city, chuo ward, higashi-shinsaibashi 2-8-29
TEL 06-6211-0221
Access 14 minutes walk from hanshin railway osaka namba station
Closed Sunday
Seat 7

※Some links may only be in Japanese.

External site

Related information for Osaka Osaka city