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Arashiyama yusaitei

A gallery where you can enjoy the world of "yumekouro-zome," a dyeing technique created by dye artist yusai okuda. the space is decorated with a variety of graceful works that utilize a unique dyeing technique that changes color with light. there are plenty of things to see, such as the "round window room," where you can take your breath away with the beauty of the four seasons captured, the "water mirror," which reflects the majestic nature of arashiyama on the surface of the water, and the "sunlight filtering art canvas," which offers a panoramic view of the garden and arashiyama. in addition, the dyeing experience for scarves and jeans is also popular.

Facility photos

丸窓の部屋(新緑)ⓒjunichiro.takikawaRound window room (fresh greenery) ©junichiro.takikawa
丸窓の部屋(紅葉)Round window room (autumn leaves)
⽔鏡 ⓒwasabitoolWater mirror ©wasabitool
川端康成の部屋 ⓒjunichiro.takikawaYasunari kawabata's room ©junichiro.takikawa
木漏れ日アートキャンバス ⓒwasabitoolSunlight filtering through the trees art canvas ©wasabitool

Facilities, services, etc.

  • Walk-in participation
  • Advance booking
  • Wifi
  • Electronic money
  • Barcode payment
  • Credit card payment

Basic information

Business hours 10:00~18:00
Address 6, saga kamenoo-cho, ukyo-ku, kyoto city, kyoto prefecture
TEL 075-881-2331
Access 19 minutes walk from hankyu arashiyama station
Closed Thursday

※Some links may only be in Japanese.

External site

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